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The Truth About Monogamy and Polyamory

Monogamy is a relationship with only one partner at a time. Many modern relationships are still monogamous and arguably it is still the societal norm. Polyamory is the complete reverse. It is a open or non-monogamous relationship that follows certain guidelines. Although polyamorous relationships are becoming more accepted, we still have a long way to go! There is a huge amount of judgement about anything that is not monogamy. Everyone has an opinion that is often not a positive one.

Gen X v Millenial Mel and Suzie discuss monogamy and polyamory from their different "gen X" and millennial perspectives. Listen to what they think. Although they both agree people should just be aloud to live in the way that makes them happy, Mel thinks that polyamory is complicated. It's different to an open relationship. Having a relationship with one person is hard enough but more than one person at a time in the same relationship, does that work? Sex is one thing, a relationship is a whole other thing. There is of course no right answer. What works for one person does not for the next. We are all unique in every aspect of our lives. Defining polyamory I think a lot of us from most generations were not that exposed to polyamory or polyamorous relationships or any real understanding of it. That is probably because the most common approach to love and relationships and what we consider to be a societal norm is monogamy. However the truth is there are of course many ways to love and it is up to any individual to love and live in the way the want to. What is polyamory? Polymary is a type consentual or ethical non-monoganous relationship. There maybe multiple people in a polyamorous relatioanship at one time. Those in a polyamorous relationship have consented to the relationship dynamic. Mel's Facts

  1. I/3 of Americans say that their ideal relationship is infact non-monogamous - yougov

  2. Is monogamy over? Vogue

  3. The difference between ethical non-monogamy, polyamory and open relationships

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